Results 1081 to 1090 of 2184
The World Without Us
The question at the centre of this exhibition was what a world without humans might look like. In this case, however, the exhibition did not present futuristic scenarios of a post-apocalyptic world, but rather suggested that a post-human age had...
In the project “Gog/Magog” by the performance label internil, the Israeli artist Moran Sanderovich and the Berlin Theaterdiscounter present an “apocalyptic” disinformation campaign in four stages which explores online discussion forums on current...
CSI: Freiberg - A Murder at terra mineralia
A body is found in the museum. The tracks lead to the Africa Room. A mineral has been stolen and someone has been murdered. A case for the CSI team? Although the story is fictional, it takes us to the far reaches of the world and underscores the...
The Subjective Museum
Focusing on Subjective Bases of Knowledge and Their Museological Consequences Frankfurt is many cities. Which one do you live in? This question lies at the centre of “Frankfurt Now!”, the new participation-based permanent exhibition at the...
The Blind Spot
World trade, Art Patronage and Collection History in Colonial Times Based on the Kunsthalle Bremen The Hanseatic city of Bremen was a bustling centre of commerce in the 18th and 19th century, a hub in a rapidly expanding network of intercontinental...
Fund to Strengthen Citizen Involvement in the Culture of the New German Länder
Mit ihrer Gründung im März 2002 hat die Kulturstiftung des Bundes das Programm "Kulturelle Aspekte der deutschen Einigung" ins Leben gerufen, das sich der Bedeutung kultureller und künstlerischer Kompetenzen im Prozess der deutschen Einigung widmet....
Biography of the Body
The Dance Company Theater in Osnabrück and CocoonDance in Bonn have embarked on a journey in search of the history of the body. This project addresses the question of one’s roots –biographically, physically and culturally – of being uprooted and the...
Quo vadis, bellum?
One hundred years after the First World War, the Saarländische Staatstheater and the Berlin-based dance and performance group MS Schrittmacher have cast their sights on the future of war. What war scenarios might we expect if we imagine how the...
SETanztheater and the Stadttheater Ingolstadt are taking on the challenge of establishing a new dance theatre department at the theatre. The ensembles of both theatres are working together to jointly examine their respective working methods and...
The guts company and the Societaetstheater Dresden are launching a project which proposes using methods of dance to explore the tension between identity-building values and xenophobia. The project comprises three productions which shall examine and...