Board of Trustees


The Board of Trustees represents the highest level of decision-making at the Federal Cultural Foundation. It sets the guidelines of the Foundation’s activities and decides on its funding priorities. Based on the recommendations of the Executive Board, the Board of Trustees appoints the Jury which selects the applications in General Project Funding.


Chair of the Board of Trustees

Claudia Roth

Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Representative of the Foreign Office

Katja Keul

Minister of State

Representative of the Federal Ministry of Finance


Parliamentary State Secretary

Representative of the Bundestag

Helge Lindh

Annette Widmann-Mauz

Erhard Grundl

Representatives of the Federal States (KMK)

Michael Kretschmer

Prime Minister of the Free State of Saxony

Dr Carsten Brosda

Head of the Ministry of Culture and Media Hamburg

Municipal government representatives

Daniela Schneckenburger

Marc Elxnat 

Councillor, German Association of Cities

Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Cultural Foundation of German States

Boris Rhein

Minister-President of Hesse

Leading cultural and artistic figures

Jagoda Marinić

Author and cultural manager

Olaf Nicolai

Prof Dr Dirk Messner

President of the Federal Environment Agency