Results 951 to 960 of 2184
Magazine 28
Magazine #28 was published in April 2017 and is dedicated to the topic of "Revolution".
Magazine 29: Scripted Reality
Vladimir Čajkovac What plot line excites your interest? In the first years following the discovery of HIV, the news stories about AIDS resembled sensational horror flicks and kitschy tearjerkers. Vladimir Čajkovac describes how the disease has been...
Magazine 29: Hermann Hesse – A Historical Encounter
Lukas Bärfuss Lukas Bärfuss asks why we aren’t reading Hermann Hesse anymore. We should be ashamed of ourselves. The first time I ever heard of the writer Hermann Hesse I was twelve years old, when one of his books, the story "Beneath the Wheel",...
Magazine 29: Razor
László Darvasi The forecast had called for rain, but still the dense, milky white morning fog clung to the landscape. In the kitchens, coffee machines burbled and the farm occupants were taking a shit. Behind the willow grove he could make out the...
Magazine 29: Genius loci
Zsófia Bán There are places which possess a spirit, a genius, which keeps glowing over time and makes itself known throughout history. A spirit, which, like Proteus, is similar to a Greek deity, occasionally presenting itself to mortals in one form...
Magazine 29
Magazine #29 was published in October 2017. The texts in this issue adress, in very different ways, events, topics and figures which are rooted in history, but require a fresh approach – they beg to be "followed up".
Symphonic Mob
Mit dem Symphonic Mob hat das Deutsche Symphonie-Orchester (DSO) ein neues und zukunftsweisendes Format zur Vermittlung von klassischer Musik entwickelt. Der Symphonic Mob ist inspiriert von der viralen Wirkungsweise der Flash-Mobs: In einem...
Musik 21 Festival 2017
The programme of this year’s Musik 21 festival is all “about the word”. In concerts, readings, installations and experimental formats, the festival aims to highlight the various types of encounter between music and text. The regional spotlight of the...
Disappearing Legacies
How can museums of natural history react to climate change and the loss of genetic diversity? What does it mean to preserve, prepare and present a natural history collection while taking topical aspects like climate justice and the challenges of the...
Projekt Bauhaus – Wissen, Technik, Fortschritt
Das Projekt unterzieht die Bauhaus-Ideen einer kritischen Inventur und prüft deren utopisches Potenzial für die Gegenwart und Zukunft. In einem zweijährigen Programm werden anhand ausgewählter aktueller Fallbeispiele die zentralen Themenfelder des...