Results 521 to 530 of 2184
In order to culturally stabilize the European process of unification, it is extremely important to establish a common European public sphere. In 2004 the Board of Trustees at the Federal Cultural Foundation decided to fund the Internet magazine...
Magazine 23
Magazine #23, released in October 2014, features articles on current programmes and events funded by the Federal Cultural Foundation.
In this issue of our Magazine, we present a number of projects which address the themes of nature and animals.
Berlin underground.
Wer heute in Berlin die U-Bahn nimmt, begibt sich auf die Spuren des schwedischen Architekten Alfred Grenander (1863-1931). Rosenthaler Platz, Nollendorfplatz, Ruhleben sind nur 3 Beispiele von über 80 Bahnhöfen der S- und U-Bahn, die Grenander...
Eurydike Beyond the Limits
This adaptation of the Orpheus myth surpasses the limits of conventional interpretations in two ways. First, the composer Stefan Scheib has written an equal part for Eurydike who is usually portrayed as the lost object of Orphic desire on stage. In...
Afropean Mimikry and Mockery | Flyer Mousonturm (PDF, 889.47 KB - opens in a new window)
Ausstellungsflyer: Mimicry & Mockery – Nachahmung und Verspottung ziehen sich wie ein roter Faden durch die Jahrhunderte afrikanisch-europäischer Begegnung. Aneignung und Abgrenzung, Affirmation und Verachtung, Überhöhung und Dämonisierung haben eine...
Dance over Trenches. The 100th anniversary of Le Sacre du Printemps
Twisted feet, snapped heads, jarring, abrupt movements, rhythmic stomping and trembling. In the end, death by exhaustion, the staged sacrifice for the heathen sun god. Dancing – excessive, powerful, disturbing. The premiere of “Le Sacre du Printemps”...
Magazine 30: Rules of Rapture – Ecstasy as an Artistic Process
Questions for Carsten Höller Do artists traditionally possess a particular affinity to rapture and ecstasy? You have to imagine the first artists as being ritualists. This is the conclusion Robert Calasso proposes in his wonderful study Ardor ,...
Real Art? On the Aesthetic Status of the Original, Copy and Forgery
Why do we generally prefer originals over copies or forgeries? Couldn’t a perfect copy or forgery meet our aesthetic demands just as well? What kind of characteristics do we believe are not found in a copy or forgery? This conference focused on the...
FIDENA 2010 – Figurentheater der Nationen: Let's get loud
FIDENA (Figurentheater der Nationen) has organized festivals of puppet and performing object theatre since 1958 and showcased the newest trends and international developments of the genre. The festival in 2010 focused on music, as the theatre makers...
In view of the breakneck pace of technological innovation and far-reaching climatic and geological changes, the primacy of humans has increasingly come under fire. Is the humanistic concept of the human being as the “measure of all things” still...