Eurydike Beyond the Limits

International music theatre performance

This adaptation of the Orpheus myth surpasses the limits of conventional interpretations in two ways. First, the composer Stefan Scheib has written an equal part for Eurydike who is usually portrayed as the lost object of Orphic desire on stage. In this new production, the lovers are treated as equals as they compare their pain in a musical dialogue. Secondly, the cooperation between the pazzaCaglia Baroque ensemble and the performance ensemble Liquid Penguin tests the limits of theatrical forms of expression. Performed by international artists, the world premiere represented the German contribution to the programme of the Cultural Capital of Europe 2007 in Luxembourg. Additional performances took place at various venues around Germany in the following months.

Director: Marcus Droß
Composer: Stefan Scheib
Text: Katharina Bihler; conception: Marcus Dross, Katharina Bihler, Ralph Peter, Stefan Scheib; set design: Sophie Maurer (L); Ensemble pazzaCaglia; opera: Ralf Peter, Claudia Kemmerer, Johannes Löscher, Gerlind Puchinger, Lutz Gillmann, Liquid Penguin Ensemble: Stefan Scheib , Katharina Bihler, Elodie Brochier (F), Jochen Krämer and others

Venues: Saarländisches Staatstheater, Saarbrücken; Gebläsehalle Belval, Esch sur Alzette (L); Kulturzentrum Tuchfabrik, Trier; Konzertgalerie Il Bagno, Steinfurt; Altstadtherbst, Düsseldorf
Schedule: September - December 2007


pazzaCaglia Opera
und Liquid Penguin Ensemble

Johannisstraße 25

66111 Saarbrücken (external link, opens in a new window)