Results 1001 to 1010 of 2184
africologneFESTIVAL 2017
The africologne Festival was initiated in 2011 as a biennial festival at the Bauturm in Cologne. In 2017 it took place for the fourth time and significantly expanded its international contacts.For the first time in 2017, africologne collaborated with...
Resistance and Devotion
The festival “FIDENA – Puppet Theatre of the Nations” was celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2018. FIDENA is known for its outstanding contemporary puppet, figure and object theatre pieces, and is regarded as a seismograph for current trends and...
Suspended Territories
Few people in Germany are familiar with contemporary art from the Middle East and North Africa and even fewer with works by female Arab and Persian artists. That is why the Museum Marta Herford is developing an exhibition featuring nine renowned...
City │ Country │ Escape – On Leaving and Arriving
In cooperation with the KURVE Centre for Education and Encounter, the Museum Wustrow in Wendland is planning an exhibition and event series on the theme of escape from a contemporary and historical perspective. In various formats and in direct...
There are nearly 2,000 Protestant churches in Thuringia which are registered as historic monuments and preserved with an enormous amount of public involvement. Especially since 1990, numerous churches have been safeguarded, renovated and...
Grand Narratives – 100 Years of Communism
Following the Russian Revolution in 1917, the political theory of communism was put into practice for the first time. Its expansion as a societal model far beyond the borders of Russia and the resulting friction between competing political systems...
New Greek Wave
There is enormous ambiguity in the Greek theatre scene at present. More and more hybrid, post-dramatic formats have joined the ranks of traditional theatre forms based on models of classical antiquity. Impending theatre closures caused by economic...
NADIA was an international theatre project, in which five renowned European theatres have staged their own productions simultaneously: the Théâtre de Liège in Belgium, the Fondazione TeatroDuo in Italy, the Kompanie De Toneelmakerij of Amsterdam,...
Natural history museums have always been places where artists were intensively involved in the study of nature. Alongside travelling researchers, artists have contributed to recording and depicting the history of life on Earth. In line with this...
urope‘s largest minority is comprised of millions of Sinti and Roma, yet despite their numbers and diversity, they are noticeably excluded from mainstream culture. Their image is influenced by stubborn clichés and prejudices. In light of a continued,...