Results 841 to 850 of 2184
LandART Cultural Calendar
The Haina Cooperative (Thuringia) and the Meuchefitz Communication Centre (Lower Saxony) jointly developed a series of events titled "LandART Cultural Calendar". Every quarter year was given a different motto. During the first three months, two...
It takes two to unite
The Kulturfabrik in Hoyerswerda and the Initiative Bürgerzentrum Schuhfabrik in Ahlen have developed an extensive socio-cultural project, scheduled to run from February 2004 to December 2005. This cross-genre programme is directed toward various age...
Slavs and Tatars. Made in Dschermany
The artists’ collective Slavs and Tatars investigates reciprocal relationships between supposedly disparate cultural spheres. In its research-based works, it focuses on the “region east of the Berlin Wall and west of the Great Wall of China known as...
Remembering Landscape
When we think of landscape, most of us imagine an aesthetic ideal – if not unspoiled nature, then at least a diversified, organically developed agricultural and rural living environment. But in reality, landscape has long been altered by war,...
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Vorwort_HV Magazin #9 Jedem Kind ein Instrument - englisch An Instrument for Every Child by Hortensia Völckers “Change through culture – Culture through change”. Essen and the entire Ruhr region with its 53 cities and communities used this motto for...
KdW_ABSTRACTS_III_E.pdf (PDF, 100.45 KB - opens in a new window)
Cultures of Economics A series of events coordinated by the Federal Cultural Foundation in cooperation with the University of Munich June 25th 2010, 10 am - 8 pm New Vistas: Desire to win! Location: Radialsystem V, Holzmarktstr. 33, Berlin Chair:...
West-Eastern Divan
Meetings between Western and Middle Eastern writers continue to be sensitive encounters which demand a high degree of open-mindedness from all sides. The project "West-Eastern Divan" has organised five intensive writing conferences for German and...
young.euro.classic 2005
Das Festival young.euro.classic ist ein besonderes Phänomen in der Berliner Klassik-Szene. Trotz sommerlicher Hitze lockt das Festival im August Menschen in Scharen in das Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt, von denen sich viele zum ersten Mal auf...
This version of “Orfeo” premiered during the Ruhr Triennial 2015 at the former coal mixing plant Zeche Zollverein, whose industrial backdrop promised to lent a spectacular atmosphere to the performance. The young German director Susanne Kennedy, the...
Brasil Move Berlim
The democratization of Brazil following the end of its military dictatorship helped create a dynamic dance scene which contributes greatly to shaping the cultural identity of the country. In Brazil, dance is regarded as the genre which reflects the...