Results 571 to 580 of 2184
Magazine 32: Another channel couldn’t hurt
Daniel Tyradellis Ancient Greek philosophers spoke of the ideal of imperturbability – ataraxia . I’ve always found the concept ambivalent. It’s wonderful to think that a mindset could keep at arm’s length anything that puts a damper on life:...
Dance Congress 2019
The Dance Congress 2019 was titled “A Long-Lasting Affair” and took place from5 to 10 June 2019 at the Festspielhaus Hellerau and other venues in the vicinity. Its artistic director, the renowned choreographer Meg Stuart, made strides to strengthen...
The general director of the Ruhr Triennial 2012-2014, Prof. Heiner Goebbels , commissioned the Samoan-born choreographer and performance artist Lemi Ponifasio to produce Aeschylus’ version of the Prometheus legend. The performance venue was the...
transmediale.10: Futurity now!
transmediale is one of the most important festivals for art and the creative application of digital media in the world. It features new and significant projects of digital culture that reflect on the role of digital technologies in society today....
The Dutch general theatre director Johan Simons commenced his three-year term as artistic director of the Ruhrtriennale in 2015 with a production that he himself has directed. With the world premiere of the piece “Accattone“ based on the film of the...
Acting Archives
The project “Acting Archives” offers an interdisciplinary platform of exchange and collaboration between Ethiopian, German and international artists and theorists on the subject of artistic research and archiving. The project included two symposia...
The Shadow of the Avant-Garde
Die Kunst von Autodidakten wird immer noch ziemlich isoliert von künstlerischen Prozessen der Moderne betrachtet. Trotz ihrer unmittelbaren ästhetischen Überzeugungskraft, in der sie den Meisterwerken der besten Künstler der klassischen Moderne in...
Sample Cost and Financing Plan (TURN2 Fund) (XLS, 61.00 KB - opens in a new window)
A. Ausgaben Sample of cost and financing plan (KFP)(Muster Kosten- und Finanzierungsplan (KFP)) A. Expenses (Ausgabenseite) Project (Projekt): Net or gross (Netto- oder Brutto-KFP): Project executing organisation (Projektträger (PT)): Project no...
9th Berlin Biennial for Contemporary Art
The Berlin Biennial is regarded as the most significant showcase of contemporary art and is the only biennial of its kind in Germany. Every two years leading curators venture out to discover less-established positions of recent contemporary art and...
Magazine 33: Digitalisation as the Colonialisation of Our Living Environment. On the Optimisation of Dominion and Servitude
Harald Welzer In a recent interview with the Tagesspiegel , Toby Walsh, a professor of artificial intelligence (AI) at the University of New South Wales in Australia, explained what AI researchers are concerned about: “self-driving cars, autonomous...