Results 331 to 340 of 2184
Carrie Mae Weems
Carrie Mae Weems is one of the most influential contemporary female artists in the United States and has gained renown far beyond the art scene not least of all for her collaboration with such pop-culture celebrities as film director Spike Lee and...
Sometimes you just have to give it your attention
How can we improve our understanding of history through sound? How is spatial perception shaped by sound and music, and in what way can they redefine architecture? The former Nazi rally grounds in Nuremberg is the site of a large-scale acoustic...
Pandemics and natural catastrophes have laid bare the human-driven crisis of climate change and dwindling biodiversity. In the project “Cohabitation” the central but ambivalent role that cities play in the destruction of our planet’s environment...
How to Live Together
This project showcases the work of the Rwandan philosopher and artist Christian Nyampeta. In cooperation with distinguished experts in Leipzig, Frankfurt, Cologne and Kigali (Rwanda), the GfzK investigates how Nyampeta’s artistic strategies have...
Over the course of two weeks and in numerous artistic events, the Osten Festival wants to make “the East” visible. Based on “Eastern” attributes and identity, as a foil of both pride and prejudice, the festival will investigate what the “East” means...
Global Groove
The exhibition Global Groove at the Museum Folkwang highlights modern dance and the contact between Asia, Europe and the United States. In keeping with the tradition of the Folkwang collections and the working method of its founder Karl Ernst...
Paradise Lost #gender shift
The international group exhibition at the DG Kunstraum and the Karmeliterkirche in Munich reflects on the problematic relationship between Christian norms (or morals) and modern living conditions where traditional role models and attributes have...
Nation, Narration, Narcosis
Welche Geschichte(n) teilen Thailand, Singapur, Indonesien und Deutschland und wie spiegelt sich dies in der Kunst sowie in Sammlungen und Archiven wider? Die vier Kuratorinnen des transnationalen Forschungs- und Ausstellungsprojekts spüren den...
Not Fully Human, Not Human At All
Populism, waning solidarity, climate crisis, youth unemployment, terror – the list of European crises is long. Societies across Europe are struggling under social, political and economic pressure, jeopardising social cohesion and promoting the...
Pochen Biennale for Multimedia Art
Germany looks forward to celebrating the 30th anniversary of national reunification in 2020. To mark the upcoming commemorative, the Pochen multimedia biennial art festival will highlight historical turning points in history. Over the course of...