Results 1921 to 1930 of 2174
Rural exodus does not only apply to humans. Animals, such as foxes, wild boars and raccoons, are increasingly leaving the countryside in favour of urban centres which offer better feeding conditions. This exhibition examines the expansion of their...
Wide Eyes of Fear
Angesichts einer ganzen Serie von Angstszenarien, die das 21. Jahrhundert einläuteten – von den Schrecken des 11. September über den Klimawandel bis hin zur aktuellen Finanzkrise – beschäftigte sich das spartenübergreifende thematische Festival unter...
Albert Einstein and the century of physics
"The goal of every intellectual activity is to transform a miracle into something which one can understand." (Albert Einstein) The exhibition "Albert Einstein - Engineer of the Universe" promises to be one of the highlights of the Einstein...
The Kunstpalais Erlangen coordinated an international group exhibition together with the Dutch Gemeentemuseum in Helmond and the Belgian Cultuurcentrum in Mechelen, which it staged at all three locations. The subject of the exhibition is both topical...
Altenburg: Small-Town Europe.
Altenburg is located just outside Leipzig and is one of the lesser known architectural jewels among Germany's small towns. Altenburg's development in the 2nd half of the 20th century was the topic of an exhibition at the Lindenau Museum, one of the...
Afropolis. City, Media, Art
Mehr als die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung lebt heute in Städten. Während jedoch in Europa die Städte schrumpfen, sehen sich die Länder der südlichen Hemisphäre mit einer rasanten Urbanisierung konfrontiert. Schon heute liegt der Großteil aller...
Dear Aby Warburg, What Are We Doing with Pictures?
The art of photography, and more specifically, the individual photo, has undergone radical changes in recent decades as a result of its mass dissemination through the media and Internet. Younger generations of artists often regard photography as the...
Al Halqa – The Last Storytellers
A lively tradition of public storytelling still exists in Maghreb, a tradition which vanished in Europe in the 19 th century with its travelling performers and singers. The “Jamaa el-Fnaa” Square in Marrakech serves as venue for performances of...
Al-Halqa Kinetics
Der Djemaa El Fna-Platz in Marrakesch ist Schauplatz täglich neuer Darbietungen von Schaustellern und Gauklern, die den Markt mit Tanz, Gesang, Geschichten, Akrobatik, Zauberei und Wahrsagerei erfüllen. In Kreisen, den sogenannten "Halqas", steht das...
Alexander Archipenko
As the legatee of Alexander Archipenko's artistic works, the Saarlandmuseum owns a unique collection of original plaster casts, bronzes and works on paper by one of the most influential pioneering sculptors of the 20th century. Supplemented by loaned...