Results 1771 to 1780 of 2174
Porcelain and Volcano
The Danish group SUPERFLEX is an example of an artists’ group which formed to avoid succumbing to the commercialising structures in the art business and develop their own strategies for artistic autonomy. Others, particularly younger collectives,...
Pop on the Rhine
Seit den sechziger Jahren war das Rheinland immer wieder Ausgangspunkt für popkulturelle Trends in Musik, Literatur und bildender Kunst. Bands wie Can aus Köln oder Kraftwerk aus Düsseldorf setzten internationale Maßstäbe und Autoren wie Rolf Dieter...
Pictoplasma: characters@war
Pokemon, Super-Mario, das Michelin-Männchen - unsere Alltagskultur ist weltweit geprägt von kleinen Figuren, die ein reduziertes Design mit großer Ausdruckskraft kombinieren. Die Initiative pictoplasma sammelt seit 1999 künstlerische Adaptionen...
Die Ausstellung zeigt Verbindungslinien zwischen populistischen Strategien in der Politik und der zeitgenössischen Kunst auf. In verschiedenen Staaten Europas erlebt der Populismus in der Politik derzeit eine Konjunktur. Wie reagiert die Kunst auf...
Pictograms – The Loneliness of Symbols
As graphic symbols, pictograms lie along the boundary separating art from the ordinary. This exhibition in the Stuttgart Kunstmuseum featured a collection of works by contemporary artists who use pictograms in a variety of artistic forms. Curators:...
Posters From Africa
Aufgrund eines hohen Analphabetismus stellt das Plakat in afrikanischen Gesellschaften ein zentrales Kommunikationsinstrument dar. Die vielfältigen Gestaltungsformen dieses Massenmediums zeugen von der außerordent-lichen Kreativität ihrer Hersteller....
Osthang Project
Geopolitical, socio-economic and environmental processes of transformation present us with the following question: How do we want to shape and improve our co-existence in the future both locally and globally? The “Osthang Project” aimed to revive the...
Mark Dion. The academy of things
On the occasion of its 250 th anniversary, the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts (HfBK) has developed an exhibition project titled “Mark Dion. The academy of things” which presented the school’s own, predominantly anatomical collection in a new light. The...
Performance Electrics – Turning Art into Electricity
The goal of “Performance Electrics” is to produce electricity through artistic actions. Its artistically designed solar plants, wind-powered sculpture generators and performative interventions in public areas generated so-called “Art Power”, which is...
The Condition of Powerlessness – Democracia, Revolutie & Polizey
Economic and debt crises, waves of refugees, climate change, terrorism – every day the media reports about crises, catastrophes and global risks. In light of these ominous scenarios – both media-generated and real – many people are losing confidence...