Results 1261 to 1270 of 2184
100th Anniversary of Wolfgang Koeppen
In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of his birth, the city of Greifswald will honour its famous son with the "Greifswalder Koeppen Commemorative Year". Wolfgang Koeppen is considered one of the most significant German post-war writers whose...
The Long Now
The music project “The Long Now” represented the big finale of the international Festival für Zeitfragen “MaerzMusik” at the Berlin Festspiele – an interdisciplinary platform which probed our relationship to the phenomenon of time from an artistic,...
Scheerbart - To the Patent Office
Vor genau hundert Jahren ist es dem Dichter, Erfinder und Visionär Paul Scheerbart gelungen, den Traum eines jeden Konstrukteurs Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen: Nachdem er fast drei Jahre an der Entwicklung eines Perpetuum mobiles gearbeitet hatte,...
TonLagen Festival
During the last 22 years, the Dresden Days of Contemporary Music has gained international renown as a high-quality festival of modern music. Hosted by the European Center for the Arts in Hellerau every autumn, the festival has traditionally...
Festival for Matters of Time
The topic of the interdisciplinary research project “TimeOut” was the phenomenon of time – time as an individual and social pacemaker; time as a limited, non-renewable resource of acceleration and deceleration, time as a metronome for the production...
From Kreisau to Japan
Established in 2002 by Holger Simon and Christoph Altstaedt, the Young Sound Forum of Central Europe has quickly made a name for itself as one of the most remarkable youth orchestras in Germany. For the past two years, Polish and Czech musicians have...
Visions – Music of Dante’s Divine Comedy
The Renaissance-period vocal music written for Dante's Divine Comedy was presented in electronic sound spaces and video projections. The fascinating contrast between these expressive forms was the basis for a reinterpretation of one of the world's...
Bachfest World Premieres - St. Thomas Church in Leipzig
Das traditionsreiche Bachfest in Leipzig gab für die Jahre 2008 bis 2010 je eine Uraufführung in Auftrag, die von der Faszination und Inspiration der Kompositionen Johann Sebastian Bachs auf die heutige Komponistengeneration zeugte. Für 2008 erhielt...
The Dialogue Experiment
The Stuttgart-based music ensemble Ascolta developed the concept for an innovative, full-evening concert project with the renowned Israeli composer Chaya Czernowin. The collaborative project involved seven composers and the seven members of the...
Animals Do Not Sit
The Cologne-based music ensemble musikFabrik was working together with composers on a project aimed at dissolving the traditional separation between the compositional and interpretative process. The musicians helped create the composition while the...