Results 1221 to 1230 of 2184
Conference on the Digitalisation of European Cultural Heritage
The digitalisation of cultural assets is becoming increasingly important for museums and archives in Germany and Europe. In fact, the European Commission has finally placed the digitalisation of cultural heritage onto the agenda of European cultural...
Digitalising the WVHA prisoner catalogue
Scientific efforts to learn more about the concentration camp system of the Third Reich are often thwarted because of a lack of data. At several camps, the National Socialists themselves destroyed all the records, while at other locations, the data...
In June 2003, The House of World Cultures in Berlin hosted a congress titled "inter.kultur.politik." Numerous international artists, researchers and politicians responsible for cultural affairs discussed the function of culture in a multiethnic...
The discovery of the sociocritical song
The sociocritical song has a long history. It wasn't until the 20th century, however, that it was seen as an artistic concept and often instrumentalised for political and ideological purposes. The folklorist Wolfgang Steinitz, who died in 1967, was...
The ambivalence of religion
Religion is the source of great humanitarian and social potential, yet it can also release destructive forces. In commemoration of the 450th anniversary of the Peace of Augsburg, this project features a discussion on the role of religions. Alessandro...
Quality of Life and Culture
What is personally important to you in life? What do you think enhances the quality of life in Germany? How significant is culture on the quality of life, and what does that mean for cultural policy and cultural funding? The Federal Cultural...
Migration Project
In September 2005 the "Project Migration" reaches a climax and a continuation with an extensive exhibition and publication presentation. The exhibition, which the Kölnischer Kunstverein will realize in three different locations in Cologne in the...
Mobile Academy Warsaw: “Ghosts, Spectres, Phantoms and the Places Where They Live”
Mobile Academy is an international Arts Academy with an interdisciplinary course program that has been on tour now for seven years. It continually changes location, time, theme and form. The courses at Mobile Academy are structured as artistic...
Leonhard Euler in the Scholars Paradise - Mathesis and Graphe
The many correlations between the natural sciences, aesthetics and popular media began long before "science fiction" was established as a genre. In the period of Enlightenment, the reflection on various forms of perception served as the basis for...
ABC Augsburg Brecht Connected
Brecht is regarded as one of Germany's greatest writers, many of whose works are included in the literary canon in German schools today. Yet being forced to read Brecht has actually "alienated" many young readers. This festival wants to offer young...