Theatertreffen 2015
Theatre festival

The Berlin Theatertreffen is truly an Olympic event of German-language theatre. In accordance with its statutes, the festival invites theten most remarkable theatre productions from Germany, Austria and Switzerland to Berlin in May every year.
The members of the Theatertreffen jury, Till Briegleb, Barbara Burckhardt, Wolfgang Huber-Lang, Peter Laudenbach, Bernd Noack, Stephan Reuter and Andreas Wilink, watched and discussed a total of 379 productions during the past 12 months and made their selection of the ten most remarkable productions:
“Atlas der abgelegenen Inseln (Atlas of Remote Islands)” by Judith Schalansky. Directed by Thom Luz. Schauspiel Hannover
“Baal” by Bertolt Brecht. Directed by Frank Castorf. Residenztheater, Munich
“Common Ground” by Yael Ronen and Company. Directed by Yael Ronen. Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin
“Das Fest (The Celebration)” based on the film by Thomas Vinterberg and Mogens Rukov. Directed by Christopher Rüping. Schauspiel Stuttgart
“Die lächerliche Finsternis (The Ridiculous Darkness)” by Wolfram Lotz. Directed by Dušan David Pařízek. Burgtheater at the Akademietheater, Vienna
“Die Schutzbefohlenen (The Supplicants)” by Elfriede Jelinek. Directed by Nicolas Stemann. Thalia Theater, Hamburg
“die unverheiratete (the unmarried)” by Ewald Palmetshofer. Directed by Robert Borgmann. Burgtheater at the Akademietheater, Vienna
“John Gabriel Borkman” by Henrik Ibsen. Directed by Karin Henkel. Deutsches Schauspielhaus, Hamburg
“Warten auf Godot (Waiting for Godot)” by Samuel Beckett. Directed by Ivan Panteleev. Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen / Deutsches Theater, Berlin
“Warum läuft Herr R. Amok? (Why Does Mr R Run Amok?)” based on the film by Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Michael Fengler. Directed by Susanne Kennedy. Münchner Kammerspiele
Yvonne Büdenhölzer, director of the Theatertreffen, on this year’s selection: “The 52nd Theatertreffen is a festival of world premieres and debuts. Directors Yael Ronen, Thom Luz, Ivan Panteleev, Dušan David Pařízek and Christopher Rüping will all be presenting their work for the first time. In a wide range of heterogeneous styles, the invited theatre makers’ interpretations and creations address important socio-political problems like war, displacement and the ensuing traumas.”
Focus Fassbinder
Director, actor and writer Rainer Werner Fassbinder (31 May 1945 – 10 June, 1982) would have been 70 years old this May, and the Theatertreffen dedicated a series of events called “Focus Fassbinder” to him. In parallel with the Theatertreffen, there is an exhibition (6 May – 23 August 2015) entitled “Fassbinder – NOW” at the Martin-Gropius-Bau, the exhibition hall of the Berliner Festspiele.
Programme and Prizes
The presentation of the best in German-language theatre is accompanied by a varied programme of further events: public debate with renowned guests from culture, politics and business creates links between theatre and social and political issues. Theatre fans come to the Haus der Berliner Festspiele to attend prize ceremonies, discussions with the audience, première parties and concerts.
Under the title TT Talente, the Theatertreffen gives up-and-coming artists their own platform: the Stückemarkt, which first took place in 1978, presents new plays by undiscovered European playwrights in a "festival within a festival" and has also featured a guest theatre project since 2012. The International Forum and the Theatertreffen-Blog offer young theatre-makers and critics the opportunity to develop their professional experience.
The following prizes will be awarded at the Theatertreffen: The 3sat-Prize (since 1997), the Alfred Kerr Award for Acting (since 1991) and the Theater Prize Berlin donated by the Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung (since 1988).
Berliner Festspiele
Schaperstraße 24
10719 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 254 89 0
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