Transcultural festival at the Berlin Volksbühne

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Project description

East or West? Or rather post-East West? What exactly do such categories signify and does using them still make sense in a united Europe? This festival at the Berlin Volksbühne wishes to artistically investigate Europe’s East-West divide and the stereotypes it evokes.

Originally planned for May 2020, the theater festival POSTWEST sought to bring together artists from ten countries who had developed twelve new plays especially for the festival.

The twelve planned productions will now be replaced by digital contributions, which will be made accessible to a global audience for the first time over a period of three days: online live performances, videos on demand, audio tracks, and discussions with the theater makers about their experiences with POSTWEST. This will be complemented by additional formats of the supporting program, which began a thematic countdown to the festival back in November 2019.

Artistic director: Alina Aleshchenko, Klaus Dörr
Festival curator: Alina Aleshchenko
Associate curator: Wiebke Jahns
Dramaturgy: Degna Martens
Festival team: Lucia Bihler, Michael Ladner, Hannah Schünemann, Elif Sözer, Karina Zotz

Directors (Concept and individual contributions): Martin Boross, Gianina Cărbunariu, Mārtiņš Eihe, Michal Hába, Florian Hein, Katarzyna Kalwat, Kate Krolle, Blerta Neziraj, Jarmo Reha, Valters Sīlis, Eglė Švedkauskaitė, Vladislav Troitskyi, Dimitry Volkostrelov

Theaters: Center of Contemporary Art DAKH (Kiew, Ukraine), Gertrudes ielas teatris (Riga, Lettland), Jaunimo teatras (Vilnius, Litauen), KatlZ (Riga, Lettland), New Theatre Institute of Latvia (Riga, Lettland), Prague City Theatres (Prag, Tschechien), Qendra Multimedia & National Theatre of Kosovo (Pristina, Kosovo), STEREO AKT (Budapest, Ungarn), Teatrul Tineretului (Piatra Neamț , Rumänien), TR Warszawa (Warschau, Polen), Vaba Lava (Tallinn, Estland).

Hellblaues Banner zum Postwest-Festival, darauf ein rosa Band mit Städtenamen


The POSTWEST \\ guess where website provides an overview on the festival's artistic outcomes and complements them with podcasts or POSTCASTS and video discussions with participants. In the series "POST-PRODUCTION", for instance, theatre professionals from Eastern and Central Europe report on their work and share insights into the hasty digitisation of the festival.


No upcoming events at present

Previous events

  • 24 June, 2020 to 26 June, 2020: Festival

    Volksbühne, Berlin

  • 3 January, 2020 to 24 May, 2020: Preparatory Events

    Volksbühne, Berlin

  • 12 November, 2019 : Buchpremiere: Ivan Krastev - The Light that Failed

    Im Vorfeld des Festivals POSTWEST spricht Ivan Krastev über sein neues Buch und die Ursachen der aktuellen globalen Krisen.

    Volksbühne, Sternfoyer , Berlin


Volksbühne Berlin

Linienstraße 227
10178 Berlin (external link, opens in a new window)