Theatertreffen 2014
Theatre festival

The Berlin Theatertreffen is truly an Olympic event of German-language theatre. In accordance with its statutes, the festival invites theten most remarkable theatre productions from Germany, Austria and Switzerland to Berlin in May every year. This presentation of the best in German-language theatre is accompanied by a varied programme of further events: public debate with renowned guests from culture, politics and business creates links between theatre and social and political issues. Theatre fans come to the Haus der Berliner Festspiele to attend prize ceremonies, discussions with the audience, première parties and concerts.
The jury members of Theatertreffen 2014 are: Barbara Burckhardt, Anke Dürr, Peter Laudenbach, Christoph Leibold, Daniele Muscionico, Bernd Noack and Andreas Wilink.
The jury members reviewed a total of 395 productions from Germany, Austria and Switzerland and made their final decisions at the beginning of February.
The 10 winning productions selected for presentation at the Theatertreffen 2014 were:
- “Amphitryon und sein Doppelgänger” based on the play “Amphitryon” by Heinrich von Kleist. Directed by Karin Henkel. Schauspielhaus Zürich.
- “Die Geschichte von Kaspar Hauser“ adapted by Carola Dürr and ensemble. Directed by Alvis Hermanis. Schauspielhaus Zürich.
- “Die letzten Zeugen” by Doron Rabinovici and Matthias Hartmann. Staged by Matthias Hartmann. Burgtheater, Vienna.
- “Fegefeuer in Ingolstadt” by Marieluise Fleißer. Directed by Susanne Kennedy. Münchner Kammerspiele.
- “Ohne Titel Nr. 1 // Eine Oper von Herbert Fritsch”. Directed by Herbert Fritsch. Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin.
- “Onkel Wanja” by Anton Chekhov. Directed by Robert Borgmann. Schauspiel Stuttgart.
- “Reise ans Ende der Nacht” by Louis-Ferdinand Céline. Directed by Frank Castorf. Residenztheater, Munich.
- “Situation Rooms” by Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi and Daniel Wetzel
(Rimini Protokoll). Directed by Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi and Daniel Wetzel.
Rimini Apparat / Ruhrtriennale. In coproduction with various partners. - “Tauberbach” by Alain Platel. Directed by Alain Platel. Münchner Kammerspiele / Les Ballets C de la B, Gent / NT Gent. In coproduction with various partners.
- “Zement” by Heiner Müller. Directed by Dimiter Gotscheff. Residenztheater, Munich.
Under the title TT Talente, the Theatertreffen gives up-and-coming artists their own platform: the Stückemarkt, which first took place in 1978, presents new plays by undiscovered European playwrights in a "festival within a festival" and has also featured a guest theatre project since 2012. The International Forum and the Theatertreffen-Blog offer young theatre-makers and critics the opportunity to develop their professional experience.
Berliner Festspiele
Schaperstraße 24
10719 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 254 89 0
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