Relation in Movement
Opera and performance
In cooperation with well-known artists, the curators Hans Ulrich Obrist and Peter Mussbach took the usual viewing experience in opera performances one step further by incorporating social interaction into the pieces.
Curators: Francesca v. Habsburg, Marina Abramovic, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Peter Mussbach, Jörn Weisbrodt
Artists: Matthew Ritchie (USA), Catherine Sullivan (USA), John Bock, Janet Cardiff (CDN), Gregor Schneider, Yang Fudong (CHN), Cerith Wyn Evans (GB), Germaine Kruip (NL), Aernout Mik (NL), Christoph Schlingensief
Venue and schedule:
Berlin, Magazin at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden
June und September 2006
May und September 2007
June und September 2008
Staatsoper Unter den Linden
Jörn Weissbrodt
Unter den Linden 7
10117 Berlin (external link, opens in a new window)