The Ringlokschuppen Ruhr in Mülheim and the European Community for Cultural Affairs (EgfKA) conjure the spirits of the Russian October Revolution, the May ´68 movement and the antifascist playwright Jura Soyfer (†1937) and assess their value for the present and future.
This project applies the model of “anastrophe” to our capitalistic, seemingly unalterable, crisis-ridden reality. In the face of austerity, precariatisation, right-wing extremism, renationalisation and climate change, it is sometimes impossible to envision the future of society, but in the “Laboratories of Social Imagination”, this future is developed, tested and (pre-)enacted on stage. End of times, baby? We’re just getting started!
Starting in February 2017, the project plans to stage two theatre laboratories and corresponding performances, along with festivals and an event series.
No upcoming events at present
Previous events
3 May, 2018 to 5 May, 2018: PAST FORWARD – Eine Politische Séance
Intra-aktives Theater
Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Mülheim
9 February, 2018 to 18 February, 2018: Dahin zurück, wo’s nach vorne geht - Labor, Lecture, Performance
Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Mülheim
11 January, 2018 to 15 January, 2018: Revolutionary Leftovers #1 Local Uprisings - Labor, Vortrag & Live-Feature-Performance
Makroscope, Mülheim an der Ruhr
7 July, 2017 to 8 July, 2017: Anastrophe now! - Performance
Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Mülheim
14 April, 2017 to 22 April, 2017: Die Anastrophe proben - Performance, Lesung, Symposium
Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Mülheim
16 February, 2017 to 19 February, 2017: What Happened to the European Dream? - Auftaktwochenende
Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Mülheim
Ringlokschuppen Ruhr
Am Schloß Broich 38
45479 Mülheim an der Ruhr