
A Doppelpass-funded project by Pathos München and O-Team

Pathos Paradies - Camp

In the project “Pathos Paradise”, the O-Team from Berlin and Pathos Munich had teamed up to discover what is left of the Schwabingen Bohème and the 68er collective in Bavaria’s capital. The situation in Munich and particularly at Pathos exemplifies fundamental questions regarding independent artists who are forced to find a balance between utility and artistic autonomy. The partners conducted research and created interventions which investigate these structures and forces. In this three-phased project, the participants ventured out into the city as a travelling “Oklahoma Theatre” – as travelling performers, in a replica of the historic café Stefanie in Munich and in a temporary camp on the theatre premises. The project concluded with a performance on stage based on the participants’ experiences in the field and on the novel Amerika by Franz Kafka. Using this literary material as a foil, the project aimed to produce an artistic translation of real-life experiences gained by the participants.


Strohlinka e.V.
Samuel Hof

Korsöer Straße 15
10437 Berlin


O-Team (external link, opens in a new window)