Masters of the Universe
A Doppelpass-funded project by Kampnagel Hamburg and SKART

The Giessen-based group SKART and Kampnagel in Hamburg worked together with pupils from Hamburg to develop a children and youth theatre profile at Kampnagel. This process-oriented, open-outcome project served as a model for a “Theatre of the Next Generation”, developed according to the aesthetic preferences of the young participants. Two productions took place: an adaptation of “Hans im Glück” (Hans in Luck) in cooperation with pupils from the reform school Neue Schule Hamburg and an installation-based performance titled “Schlaraffenland” in cooperation with pupils at the Reform- und Regelschule. At the project’s midway point, the organisers staged a several-day congress with workshops and lectures on the subject of “Egalitarian-emancipatory theatre of the next generation.” Throughout the project, numerous small-scale events also took place, e.g. a club of pupil scouts, teacher training seminars and workshops with kids.
Philipp Karau
Licherstraße 5
35394 Gießen