Koppstoff – Reloaded!
Theatre project
Feridun Zaimoglu, known for his legendary reports Kanak Sprak and Koppstoff, has now completed field research in another social milieu. Female "neo-Muslims", young German girls brought up in traditional or liberally secular families, explain their motives for professing their belief in an orthodox Islamic faith. Zaimoglu has translated the interview transcripts into his own artificial language to create new Koppstoff monologues for the stage.
Book: "Schwarze Jungfrauen" (Black Virgins): Feridun Zaimoglu, Günter Senkel
Director: Neco Celik (TR)
Venue and schedule:
Berlin, Hebbel am Ufer - HAU 3, premiere: 11 Mar. 2006
Hebbel am Ufer
Shermin Langhoff
Stresemannstraße 29
10963 Berlin