Happy Hunting Ground
A Thai-German performance about love, money and desire

The dance theatre production “Happy Hunting Ground” examined the prejudices and stereotypes of sex tourism and investigated relationships whose origin and condition result from an enormous intercultural imbalance of power and affluence. At the same time, it explored love and romantic feelings under the constraints of a capitalist logic which turns everything into sellable goods. What are the dreams of young women in Thailand who decide to enter a relationship with a foreigner? Why do Western men find the combination of paid love and affection so appealing? This production was the result of researched material and interviews conducted with men and women in Germany and Thailand. The focus, however, lay on the voices and perspectives of the Thai women who “work with foreigners”. The theatre director, choreographer and dancer Thanapol Virulhakul staged the play with German and Thai dancers and actors on the basis of the research. Virulhakul’s work is known far beyond Thailand’s borders. His theatre, the Democrazy Theatre Studio in Bangkok, is regarded as one of the most cutting-edge contemporary theatres in Thailand. The world premiere took place in Bangkok, the German premiere in Karlsruhe. Guest performances took place in Chonburi (Thailand), at the KonzertTheater Bern and the Festival "Offene Welt" at the Theater im Pfalzbau Ludwigshafen.
Stage director & choreographer: Thanapol Virulhakul (TH)
Idea, Research & Text: Jürgen Berger
Dramaturgy: Sarah Israel
Associate director & choreographer: Peerapol Kijreunpiroms
Sound Design: Gandhi Wasuwitchayagit
Lighting Designer: Jirach Eaimsa-Ard
Costume designer: Nicha Puranasamriddhi
Production Managers: Elena Krüskemper, Pavinee Samakkabutr; Production Team: Ola Stankiewicz, Tanapop Kanjana Wutisit, Eric Nikodym, Jaturai Srichanwanpen
Supervising artistic director: Jan Linders
Actors & dancers: Vidura Amranand (TH), Waywiree Ittianunkul (TH), Jarunun Phantachat (TH), Dujdao Vadhanapakorn (TH), Jens Koch (D), Luis Quintana (D).
In cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Thailand and Munich.
Dates and Venues:
Badisches Staatstheater, Karlsruhe: additional performances in March 2017.
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok: 1–3 Sep. 2016;
Burapha University, Chonburi: 6 and 7 Sep. 2016;
KonzertTheater Bern: 29 Sep. and 1 Oct. 2016;
Theater im Pfalzbau, Ludwigshafen 14 Mar. 2017
Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe
Baumeisterstr. 11
76137 Karlsruhe
www.staatstheater.karlsruhe.de (external link, opens in a new window)