Odyssey: Climate
Transdisciplinary festival featuring climate course, climate capsule lounge, climate tent city, film presentations, guest performances, world-climate-theatre symposium, laboratory for sustainable urban development, exhibition

For the festival “Odyssey: Climate”, the Stadttheater Bremerhaven has invited artists and researchers from numerous Bremerhaven organisations, e.g. the Klimahaus and the art-house cinema, as well as experts from leading scientific institutes from around the country to address the issue of “climate”. The main event of the festival was a “climate course”, for which four teams, each comprised of one researcher and one artist, investigated a phenomenon of climate change, e.g. increasing temperatures, rising sea levels, drought and its effects on biodiversity. The teams developed a puppet theatre, music theatre or dance theatre production. The productions were staged at a “climate site”, for example, a wind tunnel or an offshore ocean basin. The festival goers have been invited to visit these sites on foot, by bike or ship. Researchers from the participating institutes discussed the issues addressed in the productions at a conference held at the “Climate Tent City” in front of the theatre, where a Laboratory for Visions of a Sustainable City also was held. The organisers also offered a free meal to the public, using food discarded by supermarkets every day. The festival featured numerous artistic interventions in Bremerhaven, e.g. the artist Anna Mendelssohn presented a one-woman climate conference titled “Cry me a river”, the Stadttheater Bremerhaven staged Ilija Trojanow’s climate novel “IceMelt” and international theatre artists presented their climate projects via Skype.
Artistic director: Natalie Driemeyer
Artists: Friedrich von Borries, Jens Carstensen, Nora Mansmann, Anna Mendelssohn (AT), Eva Meyer-Keller, Tobias Rausch, Anna Pleschke, Ilija Trojanow (BG), Sergej Vanaev (RU), Diana Wesser.
Stadttheater Bremerhaven
27568 Bremerhaven
www.stadttheaterbremerhaven.de (external link, opens in a new window)