Library for Future – Green Youth Library

Osnabrück municipal library – funded by the hochdrei fund

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Project description

Many young people are demanding that policymakers take concrete action against climate change. Tying into the spirit of this movement, the Osnabrück municipal library invited young people to develop a concept for a “green library” in cooperation with the municipal environmental planning office and two local schools. For example, the project organised “idea workshops” where adolescents from all the city districts could propose concrete ideas for their future library space, e.g. sustainably designing virtual and real rooms, selecting media and furniture, and developing an event programme.

The concept served as the basis for constructing a “Tiny House”, i.e. a mini library situated directly outside the main library building which was opened in September 2022. For local residents, the Tiny House visibly demonstrates the library’s desire to become a sounding board for the community and its issues. At the same time, it underscores the library’s role as a platform and partner for joint projects of urban coexistence. In the long term, the experiences gained from the project will serve to further enhance the activities of the entire library.

Partners: Angelaschule Osnabrück, Gymnasium Ursulaschule, environmental planning office of the city of Osnabrück

hochdrei – Changing City Libraries

With its programme "hochdrei – Changing City Libraries" the Federal Cultural Foundation aims to strengthen city libraries as cooperative and participatory cultural locations.


No upcoming events at present

Previous events

  • 10 September, 2022 : Tiny Opening

    Eröffnung der Grünen Jugendbibliothek mit u.a. Lesung, Verpflegung und musikalischem Ausklang. Eintritt frei. Ab 16 Uhr

    Platz des Westfälischen Friedens, Osnabrück


Osnabrück municipal library

Martina Dannert
Director Osnabrück municipal library
Markt 7
49074 Osnabrück
Library website (external link, opens in a new window)
Project website (external link, opens in a new window)

Project Coordinator

Carolin Busch
E-Mail to Carolin Busch