The ENCOUNTERS media workshops

Berlin Tempelhof-Schöneberg municipal library – funded by the hochdrei fund

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Project description

The Media Workshop is a platform for dialogue which combines media training with a deeper reflection on life in a diverse urban community. The organisers have presented a collection of various perspectives of equal importance. Together with the Mauerpark Institut e.V., the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the FU Berlin, and residents, the project has created a pool of local protagonists, artists, researchers and students who have enriched the project with a wide range of cultural backgrounds. In workshops and events designed to cultivate cross-generational and cross-lingual communication, the participants addressed relevant urban- and community-related issues and reflected on these from their personal standpoints. Bringing together various perspectives, experiences, cultural practices and expertise, the participants developed concrete formats in which the issues are clearly presented, e.g. as podcasts, films, books, blog entries and graphic depictions. The results were presented in both analogue and digital versions.

With the project, the libary attempted to strengthen its role as an innovation driver and bridge builder within the urban community. It accompanied the creative process with its core programme and presented the media workshop inside the library as a public service. The competence and networks of the cooperation partners contributed extensive expertise to the project.

Project title: The ENCOUNTERS media workshops. A Multimedia Community Project at the Tempelhof-Schöneberg Municipal Library

Partners: Mauerpark Institut e.V., Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the FU Berlin

hochdrei – Changing City Libraries

With its programme "hochdrei – Changing City Libraries" the Federal Cultural Foundation aims to strengthen city libraries as cooperative and participatory cultural locations.


No upcoming events at present

Previous events

  • 5 December, 2020 : Online-Vernissage: Womxn and Leadership

    Eröffnung der Fotoausstellung

    Ausführliche Informationen unter

  • 30 October, 2020 : Facebook Watch Party: Kiezstories no. 4

  • 10 October, 2020 to 31 October, 2020: Fotografie-Workshop zum Thema Womxn Leadership

    Ausführliche Informationen unter, Berlin

  • 19 September, 2020 to 19 August, 2020: Workshop für Kinder: Wie groß ist dein Monster?

    Theodor-Heuss-Bibliothek, Hauptstraße 40 , Berlin

  • 17 September, 2020 : Vernissage: Picturing Encounters

    Eröffnung der Ausstellung, die Arbeiten aus dem gleichnamigen Workshop präsentiert

    Bezirkszentralbibliothek im Eva-Maria-Buch-Haus, Götzstraße 8-12 , Berlin

  • 24 August, 2020 : Workshop: Kiezstories - Back to the street

    oder: „Welche Spuren hat Corona in unserer Nachbarschaft hinterlassen?“

    Digitales Kennenlerntreffen, Anmeldung unter contact-english[at]

  • 1 April, 2020 to 14 April, 2020: Aktuell verschoben --> Urbanes Gärtnern in den Bibliotheksgärten Marienfelde und Tempelhof

    Verschiedene Workshops an den Standorten. Weitere Informationen unter


  • 27 March, 2020 to 28 March, 2020: Aktuell verschoben --> Workshop: Die Kunst des Geschichtenerzählens

    Theodor-Heuss-Bibliothek, Hauptstraße 40 , Berlin

  • 1 November, 2019 : Fotoausstellung: Frauen erzählen Geschichten durch Fotografie


    Bezirkszentralbibliothek, Götzstraße 8/10/12 , Berlin

  • 25 October, 2019 to 26 October, 2019: Workshop: Eine Einführung in die Kunst des Geschichtenerzählens

    Theodor-Heuss-Bibliothek, Hauptstraße 40 , Berlin

  • 23 October, 2019 to 23 October, 2019: Workshop: Kiezstories

    Theodor-Heuss-Bibliothek, Hauptstraße 40 , Berlin

  • 23 October, 2019 to 23 October, 2019: Workshop: M.A.D. [Mehr als Deutsch]

    Theodor-Heuss-Bibliothek, Hauptstraße 40 , Berlin

  • 13 September, 2019 to 1 November, 2019: Workshop: Frauen erzählen Geschichten durch Fotografie

    Bezirkszentralbibliothek, Götzstraße 8/10/12 , Berlin

  • 11 July, 2019 : Workshop: Picturing Encounters

    Theodor-Heuss-Bibliothek, Hauptstraße 40 , Berlin

  • 18 May, 2019 : Kick-off-Workshop

    Wie arbeiten wir?

    Theodor-Heuss-Bibliothek, Hauptstraße 40 , Berlin


Berlin Tempelhof-Schöneberg municipal library

Dr. Boryano Rickum
Hauptstraße 40
10827 Berlin
Project-Blog (external link, opens in a new window)
Website of Berlin Tempelhof-Schöneberg library (external link, opens in a new window)