Shifting Realities
Choreographers in dialogue, 2015-2017 – supported by the TURN Fund

The map of the dance world is expanding at an unprecedented speed. Contemporary dance has become more globalised and its aesthetics more multifaceted. In order to reflect this development, the project “Shifting Realities” facilitated encounter and exchange between fourteen promising young choreographers from several African countries and Germany. These young artists received support and mentoring by outstanding figures of the international dance scene in various stages over two years– from conceptualisation to presentation of the new dance pieces.
The internationally acclaimed artists Robyn Orlin, Germaine Acogny, Taoufiq Izeddiou and Panaibra Canda, who acted as mediators between Africa and Europe for the next generation of choreographers, also helped select the participants and provide important impulses as coaches.
The partner institutions, which initiated this project as the follow-up to Dance Dialogues Africa (opens in a new window), included the Senegalese École des Sables Toubab Dialaw, HELLERAU European Centre for the Arts Dresden, and the tanzhaus nrw in Düsseldorf. Their laboratory, research and production formats allowed the young artists to collaborate at various venues and share ideas on dance aesthetic matters. In the second year, the activities of “Shifting Realities” included an “audience academy” in which the participating artists discussed their works and their cultural context with local audiences.
Artistic directors: Patrick Acogny (SN), Panaibra Canda (MZ), Taoufiq Izeddiou, Robyn Orlin (DE), Stefan Schwarz (DE), Stephanie Thiersch (DE)
Choreografers: Anna Till (D), Avatara Ayuso (E), Fang Yun Lo (Taiwan), Félécité Mballa Manga (Cameroun), Felix Bürkle (D), Fouad Nafali (Maroc), Israël Sunday (Nigeria, tbc), Jason Jacobs (US), Katia Manjate (Mocambique), Momar Ndiaye (SEN), Reut Shemesh (ISR), Sonia Radebe (Southafrica), Souleymane Ladji Koné (Burkina), Tian Rotteveel (NL)
Scheduled Dates
14.7. - 12.8.2016: labs in Düsseldorf, Hellerau and Toubab; 7.3 - 13.3.2017: Festival in Marrakesh
tanzhaus nrw
Erkrather Strasse 30
40233 Düsseldorf