Project description
The district of Klarenthal was established as a northwest suburb of the Hessian capital of Wiesbaden in the 1960s. Today many people from many different cultural backgrounds have made this place their home. The Klarenthal city district library and adult education centre has launched the project “KLAR!” (a play on the German word “klar” = clear, bright, ed.) to revive a sense of community within the district and encourage residents to actively participate in shaping their city quarter. The district library has become part of its own joint project; throughout the creative and participative design process, it transformed itself into a central cultural meeting place. A coach accompanied and moderated this process with professional assistance from the local adult education centre which has operated for many years in the city district. In numerous actions and events, the residents of Klarenthal had the opportunity to share, develop and gather ideas on the future role of the district library. These were integrated into the design process and posted online.
The project organisers implemented individual ideas which could be carried out quickly so that “KLAR!” can present concrete results and show the residents of Klarenthal how their involvement is making an impact. Larger-scale changes to the library will be implemented as part of the planned modernisation programme, scheduled to finish by the end of 2023.
Project title: KLAR! Cooperation – Living Environment – Exchange – Risk!
Partner: Volksbildungswerk Klarenthal e.V.
No upcoming events at present
Previous events
6 January, 2022 : Streamen auf twitch
Onlineveranstaltung mit Korhan Ekinci. Den Link zur Teilnahme via Zoom erhalten Sie nach Anmeldung per Mail unter
Stadtteilbibliothek Klarenthal, oder Zoom , online
5 November, 2021 : Vortrag: Schutz vor Trickbetrügern
Kostenloser Vortrag. 15 bis 16 Uhr. Anmeldung unter
Stadtteilbibliothek Klarenthal, Wiesbaden
18 September, 2021 : Konzert & Lesung: Der Sinn der Pause
Ab 17 Uhr. Texte: Bernhard von Issendorff. Musik: Burkhard Mohr. Eintritt frei. Anmeldung unter
Stadtbibliothek Klarenthal, Wiesbaden
2 August, 2021 : Open-Air-Kino
Ab 20 Uhr. Abstimmung zum Film unter
Sophie-und-Hans-Scholl-Schule, Wiesbaden
20 August, 2020 : Stadtbibliothek der Zukunft? KLAR!
Stadtteilbibliothek Klarenthal, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 10 , Wiesbaden
Wiesbaden municipal libraries
Dr. Wolfgang Runschke
Zerrin Kiris
Project coach
Hochstättenstraße 6-10
65183 Wiesbaden
Website of Wiesbaden city (external link, opens in a new window)