Radio Revolts
International radio art festival

Radio is undergoing a radical upheaval due to digitalisation. The radio art festival Radio Revolts wishes to present radio as an art form in its right and make the future of this medium visible and audible to the public.
During the month-long festival, audiences had the chance to hear and experience artistic works, installations, performances, concerts and interventions. They took place throughout the entire city of Halle, e.g. at the Ulrichskirche concert hall, the Botanical Garden and a former university building. The events included an evening performance featuring the prize-winning Resonance Radio Orchestra, a stage play by Alessandro Bosetti and a botanical sound garden by Hartmut Geerken. The festival organisers also invited radio-art pioneers like Tetsuo Kogawa, Gregory Whitehead, Felix Kubin and Joyce Hinterding with their performances and installations. During the festival, the Stadtmuseum Halle presented its largest exhibition so far on the subject of radio art. At the marketplace, audiences had the chance to listen to commissioned compositions and improvisations for glockenspiel.
Artistic director: Knut Aufermann
Curators: Anna Friz (CDN), Sarah Washington (GB), Ralf Wendt, Elisabeth Zimmermann (A)
Artists: Steve Bates (CDN), DinahBird (GB), Alessandro Bosetti (I), Hartmut Geerken, Joyce Hinterding (AUS), Tetsuo Kogawa (J), Felix Kubin, Marold Langer-Philippsen, Resonance Radio Orchestra (GB), Gregory Whitehead (US) and others
CORAX e. V. - Initiative für freies Radio
Unterberg 11
06108 Halle (Saale) (external link, opens in a new window)