The history of the American continent was first used as an operatic theme in Antonio Vivaldi's Motezuma. Director Uwe Schmitz-Gielsdorf will present this Baroque opera using forms of new media at the Düsseldorf "Altstadtherbst" festival. Instead of depicting the fight scenes between the Spaniards and Aztecs which comprise a significant part of the libretto, Schmitz-Gielsdorf will concentrate on the differences between the Spaniards and Aztecs in their behaviour, thought and perception.
Artistic director: Federico Maria Sardelli (I)
Planned and directed by: Uwe Schmitz-Gielsdorf
Project team: Paolo Atzori (I), Amélie Haas, Jörg Waschinski, Lucia Sciannimanico (I), Tobias Scharfenberger, Angéliques Noldus (B), Silvia Vajente (I), Elisabeth Scholl, Modo Antiquo Baroque Orchestra
Venue and schedule:
Barga (I) 16 - 17 Jul. 2005
Düsseldorf 21, 23 - 25 Sep. 2005
Altstadtherbst Kulturfestival Düsseldorf GmbH
Bolkerstraße 57
40213 Düsseldorf