The present is the past

The memory of the National Socialistic euthanasia crime in Pirna, Saxony was banished from the collective consciousness in the former GDR. With this art project, the city of Pirna is recognising this chapter of its history and its significance for its cultural memory. Twenty-five "memorial markers" will be put up in public areas throughout the city, each of which will starkly contrast the idyllic views of Pirna by the Saxon court painter Canaletto with ideological terms used by the National Socialists.

Artist: Heike Ponwitz

Venue: Pirna

Schedule: plaques to be erected in June 2005, website in operation by July 2005


Stiftung Sächsische Gedenkstätten
zur Erinnerung an die Opfer politischer Gewaltherrschaft

Dülferstraße 1

01069 Dresden