The More I Draw

Understanding the world through drawing - Exhibition in Siegen

Despite new media-driven possibilities, an increasing number of contemporary artists are returning to the drawing as the primary form of artistic expression. The More I Draw provided an overview of the current practice of drawing and how it has evolved since the 1960s. This exhibition featured works by forty international artists, including some very recent positions, e.g. by Ryoko Aoki, Jorinde Voigt and Mariusz Tarkawian, and classical and conceptual works by renowned artists, such as Joseph Beuys, Cy Twombly and Heinz Emigholz.
The title of the exhibition emphasizes the personal perspective which is integral to drawing, and the potential of using drawings to comprehend the world, to “record” and interpret reality or create fantastic worlds through images. The exhibition wished to present the multifaceted character of illustrative practice and the ability to visualize abstract thought and produce and present new insights.
The project especially focused on museum education with a planned conference for teachers, a drawing machine competition for schools and drawing courses for various target groups. The bilingual catalogue serves as a reference work for contemporary drawing practice.

Curators: Eva Schmidt
Artists: Ryoko Aoki (JP), Silvia Bächli (CH), Joseph Beuys, Stanley Brouwn (NL), Heinz Emigholz, Claude Heath (GB), Katharina Meldner, Pavel Pepperstein (RU), Tomas Schmit and others

Venue and schedule:
Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, 5 September 2010 – 13 February 2011


Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen

Unteres Schloss 1

57072 Siegen (external link, opens in a new window)