Room for Association– The Wunderkammer
Contemporary art and design works dedicated to the art and natural science cabinets at the Franckesche Stiftungen

A joint project by the Franckesche Stiftungen and the University of Art and Design Burg Giebichenstein in commemoration of their 100th anniversary
The German art cabinets of the 17th and 18th century, called “Wunderkammer”, represents the encyclopaedic views and knowledge of the world at that time. As they also serve as the historic basis for the establishment of special museums, they have increasingly become a model for contemporary exhibition concepts in recent years. The exhibition in Halle intended to perpetuate the principles of art and natural science cabinets and modernise them in the sense of transdisciplinary networking. To this end, it gathered works by 35 international artists and artist collectives which were combined with specimens from historic Wunderkammer in such a way that the processes of cultural hybridisation and colonialisation were visible. Pieces by artists and designers, who are just starting their careers, were presented alongside well-known works by established artists who already play an influential role in the exhibition landscape. In keeping with the universal orientation of the Wunderkammer, the exhibition in Halle with its discussions, conferences, art cabinet exhibition and participation in a biennale aimed to gain international attention. Further stops are planned in Sinop, Istanbul, Paris and Rome.
Artistic director: Nike Bätzner
Artists: Charlotta Bellander (SE), Alighiero Boetti (IT), Mario Brondo (MX), Pia Fischer, Murat Haschu (RU), David Lynch (US), Anna Maria Maiolino (BR), Ginan Seidl, Esther Suarez Ruiz (COL), Silvia Weidenbach and others
Additional Venues:
Centre Allemand d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris: conference 29 – 31 Oct. 2015; Galerie Laurent Mueller, Paris: cabinet de curiosité: October 2015; Sinopale, International Sinop Biennial: 2 Aug. – 20 Sep. 2016
Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle
Franckeplatz 1
06110 Halle an der Saale