More than a monument - Jews in Germany

At a recent interview for his film Alles auf Zucker, the director Dani Levy said, "I think the fact that there is no view of today's Jewish life is influencing the discussion concerning anti-Semitism and racism." Although Jewish communities in Germany are growing steadily, this limited perception of Jewish life is still predominant. Eighteen photography and graphic design students from the College of Bielefeld hope to change this perception by depicting the everyday lives of Jews in present-day Germany in a photo series which they will exhibit and publish in book format.

Research director: Martin Deppner
Artistic director: Roman Bezjak
Participants: Daniel Müller, Ingo Busdorf, Karin Jobst, Peter Hampel, Mikula Lüllwitz, Stefan Sättele, Carsten Nolte, Nedzak Mrkulic, Katja Gläß, Philipp Ottendörfer, Martin Mühlhoff, Katrin Trautner, Claudia Dumke, Anne Schuman, Stephan Sasek, Andrea Diefenbach, Mark Beckmann, Greta Garle

Venues and schedule:
August 2005 - December 2006


Fachhochschule Bielefeld

Lampingsstraße 3
33615 Bielefeld