Kafka’s Process 2014
Original and transformation. Exhibition and conference

When teaching literature, what role does the original play and how can its transformation into a different medium be used to benefit the process? These questions were the main focus of a dual exhibition based on “The Process”, a novel fragment which Franz Kafka began writing in 1914. For the first time in 100 years, the German Literature Archive in Marbach displayed the complete manuscript of the “Process” and present views and comments on the work by renowned scholars and artists. Not far away at the Literaturhaus Stuttgart, the project presented the story of the “Process” in the form of comics, illustrated by the Czech artists David C. Mairowitz and Jaromir Svejdik. An extensive publication and an international conference, directed by the Kafka biographer Rainer Stach, explored the opportunities of cross-linguistic artistic education and share experience in exhibiting literature, in particular, works by the world-famous writer Franz Kafka.
Artistic and research directors: Marcel Lepper, Heike Gfrereis (German Literature Archive Marbach), Erwin Krottenthaler (Literaturhaus Stuttgart)
Conference concept development: Reiner Stach
Artists and researchers: Louis Begley (US), Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (US), David Zane Mairowitz (US), Jaroslav Rudis (CZ), Jaromir Svejdik (CZ).
Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach
Schillerhöhe 8-10
71672 Marbach am Neckar