Kader Attia
Repair. 5 Acts

For his first institutional solo exhibition in Germany, the French-Algerian artist Kader Attia has developed a locally-specific work for the KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin which addresses the relationship between Western and non-Western cultures. Using slide projections, documents, photos and sculptures, he offers a succession of scenarios which reflect the Western view of the “outsider”.
The installation is being developed together with the Vienna-based sound designer Alexander Wieser/Sonobelle Sound and the Tranquille le Chat studio in Paris. It reflects the various strategies of cultural transfer and re-appropriation and places them in relation to replicas of historical artefacts and contemporary performances. The project includes an extensive programme with discussions, lectures, workshops, screenings and performances which address how Europe deals with its own colonial history and its current immigration policies. An accompanying publication will be produced in cooperation with the Algerian Musée d’Art et Contemporain.
Artistic director: Ellen Blumenstein
Research assistant: Jasper Kettner
Artists: Kader Attia (FR), Alexander Wieser/Sonobelle Sound (A),
Laurent d’Herbécourt / Tranquille le Chat (FR)
KW Institute for Contemporary Art – KUNST WERKE BERLIN e.V.
Auguststraße 69
10117 Berlin