Freedom Time Machine

Stadtmuseum Memmingen – financed through the City Companions fund

The Stadtmuseum Memmingen will explore the significance of freedoms in civic life on the basis of the “Twelve Articles” of Memmingen. The bill, drafted in 1525 during the Peasant Wars, is considered one of the first European documents outlining basic human rights and freedoms. Against this historical background, the project “Freedom Time Machine” will investigate how heterogeneous urban societies can guarantee the freedom of press, religion and speech, equal opportunity of men and women and freedom in foreign places.

In order to illustrate the various aspects of freedom for different groups of the population, the Stadtmuseum Memmingen will cooperate with a large network of local organisations. Together with twelve partners from Memmingen and the surrounding region – including the Kolping Akademie, the municipal Youth Welfare Office, the Lebenshilfe counselling centre, and the Landestheater Schwaben – twelve events will be staged at twelve venues in the city of Memmingen and at the museum. For example, one project will investigate the scope of freedoms available to refugees in the city, another explores what freedom means to Swabian housewives, and another to what extent inclusion plays a role in urban planning and architecture. Together with unaccompanied child refugees, the project organisers plan to build a mobile exhibition cube as a “time machine” in which the various partners can implement their ideas. The Stadtmuseum will serve as the central location for the various events and provide supplementary info materials.

Partner: Kolping Akademie, Lebenshilfe Memmingen e.V., Kulturverein der schwäbischen Hausfrauen, Kulturwerkstatt Memmingen e.V., Landestheater Schwaben and others

City Companions fund

With its City Companions fund, the Federal Cultural Foundation wishes to encourage city museums and local groups and participants to forge new partnerships and collaboratively address contemporary issues of urban society.

About the fund (opens in a new window)


No upcoming events at present

Previous events

  • 18 May, 2018 : Ausstellung "Freiheit, die ich meine" – Teil 2

    Stadtmuseum, Memmingen

  • 18 May, 2018 : Abschlussausstellung "Zeitmaschine Freiheit"

    Stadtmuseum, Memmingen

  • 12 May, 2018 : "Die Gedanken sind frei" – Ausstellung

    Stadtmuseum, Memmingen

  • 6 October, 2017 to 2 November, 2017: "Wer gestaltet unsere Stadt?" – Ausstellungen, Vorträge, Führungen

    Kulturwerkstatt Memmingen, Memmingen

  • 16 July, 2017 : "Ankommen in der neuen Heimat" - Ausstellungseröffnung

    Heimatmuseum Freudenthal, Stadtmuseum , Memmingen

  • 28 January, 2017 to 1 May, 2017: Ausstellung "Freiheit, die ich meine ..." – Teil 1

    MEWO Kunsthalle, Memmingen

  • 9 December, 2016 to 8 March, 2017: Ausstellung "He, Fräulein!"

    Union-Kino, Memmingen


Stadtmuseum Memmingen

Zangmeisterstraße 8
87700 Memmingen

Project managers

Regina Gropper
Ronja Hartmann
Tel. +49 (0)8331 850134 (external link, opens in a new window)