Ex Argentina

Argentina in January 2002: The former "granary to the world", and today still one of the most important exporters of agricultural products and beef finds itself forced to declare a state of emergency on the food front. Almost 45% of the total population lives below the poverty line. The country is bankrupt and has declared the largest debt moratorium in the history of the global economy. For the project "Ex Argentina. Genealogy of a Crisis" it is true that the "Argentinian case" does not represent an isolated phenomenon. In the international context, Argentina appears to be merely the tip of an iceberg, the symptom of a worldwide trend which in many different ways indicates a general crisis in representative state institutions. In a collaboration of artists, scientists and intellectuals - not just from Germany and Argentina - concepts will be worked out for compiling a genealogy of breakdown. The theory goes that the crisis of political representation corresponds to a crisis of artistic presentation forms. The project is thus also a debate on the roles of art and politics in the context of globalisation.

Artistic Directors: Andreas Siekmann, Alice Creischer and others
Wissenschaftliche Beratung José Nun (Politologe), Beatriz Sarlo, Scott Lash (Kulturwissenschaften), Artemio López (Soziologe)
Venues: Buenos Aires, Köln, NRW


Goethe Institut Buenos Aires

Corrientes 319

1043 Buenos Aires


Tel. +54/ (0)1/ 43 15 33 27
