Art Cannot Rescue Us

Positions of contemporary South American art


Artistic directors: Frank Motz in collaboration with Paz Aburto Guevara (RCH), Clio Electra Bugel Gans (ROU), Cristiana Tejo (BR) and Charlotte Seidel
Artists: Javier Abreu (ROU), Claudio Correa (RCH), Marcelo Zidade (BR) and others
Venue: ACC Galerie Weimar
Schedule: 9 Jul. - 17 Sep. 2006

The hope of societal democratisation is growing in South America. With the exception of Cuba, a new generation of Latin and South American politicians are heading down a new path that lies between revolutionary utopia and unbridled liberalism which, in the past, has caused serious social upheaval. This exhibition in Weimar will present the most recent South American artistic positions which examine the extent of which art represents social changes, new political spheres and alternative economies, and consequently, investigate whether art can contribute to overcoming the trauma of neoliberalism. In light of the large number of South Americans who wish to emigrate and for whom the European Union is a social-political role model, Europeans will have to examine their own position as role models.


ACC Galerie Weimar

Burgplatz 1+2

99423 Weimar