Between Worlds

Global Tales of Outsourcing Dementia Care

In the new production „Between Worlds“, the Costa Compagnie turned its attention to gerontological outsourcing, and more specifically, to the transfer of care of dementia patients from Europe to the Global South. In collaboration with academics from the universities of Vancouver and Newcastle the artists of Costa Compagnie have conducted research in Germany, northern England and northern Thailand where this phenomenon has become well-established. They have interviewed family members, nursing care staff, patients requiring care and entrepreneurs in order to learn more about the economic structures and how they relate to the modern image of the family. To what extent does the concept of family still stand for cohesion and welfare in European societies?
The goal of the joint research process was to create an archive of interviews and produce 360° video material. Based on their video recordings, the artists of Costa Compagnie have developed an immersive 360° stage projection in which three actors from Thailand, Great Britain and Germany performed and interacted with the audience. The performances took place at the Ballhaus Ost in Berlin and in Newcastle. The material has been integrated into a virtual reality installation which was presented before and after the performances.

Artistic director, Research, Text: Felix Meyer-Christian
Performance Text: Irene Laochaisri, David Pallant, Anna Rot
Scientific Collaboration, Research, Text: Caleb Johnston, Geraldine Pratt
Dramaturgy: Zahava Rodrigo
Cinematography: Philine von Düszeln
Set and Costume Design: Anne Horny Assistence: Teresa Häußler
Composition, Soundart: Marcus Thomas
Video Editing: Stéphanie Morin
VR, Colorgrading: Eric Birnbaum
Translation Thailand: Konkanok Phohom
Production management Franziska Merlo

A co-production of Costa Compagnie with University of British Columbia (Department of Geography) and Newcastle University. In cooperation with Ballhaus Ost.


No upcoming events at present

Previous events

  • 8 November, 2019 to 9 November, 2019: Additional Performances

    Ballhaus Ost, Berlin

  • 8 November, 2019 to 9 November, 2019: Weitere Aufführungen

    Ballhaus Ost, Berlin

  • 7 November, 2019 : Premiere

    Ballhaus Ost, Berlin

  • 7 November, 2019 : Premiere

    Ballhaus Ost, Berlin
