Project description
As an international summit of progressive, non-commercial cinemas, this four-day symposium addresses concepts and strategies for sustainable cinema dedicated to the local and global common good. In view of digitalisation and globalisation, the event aims to reimagine “cinema” and, more specifically, generate greater visibility for non-commercial cinematic projects. These types of cinemas regard themselves as centres of artistic and social practice which have a local and international influence. With their curated film programmes, audiences are introduced to diverse cultural, social and transnational perspectives, and encouraged to participate in debates on related topics.
The symposium will take place at SiNEMA TRANSTOPIA in the Haus der Statistik on Berlin Alexanderplatz, an experimental project by the association “bi’bak” devoted to highlighting the aesthetic dimension of migration, global mobility and transnationality. The symposium will be broadcast live to four partner cinemas in Romania, Thailand, Chile and the United Arab Emirates, and will be accompanied by an international film programme at each location. The four main themes, “Cultural Memory”, “Transnationality”, “Collective Experience” and “Cinema Space”, aim to encourage dialogue on the working methods and conditions at each venue. Furthermore, they will serve as the starting point for a discussion on how cinematic models of the past, e.g. independent and community cinemas, can be innovatively reformed to meet the challenges of the present.
Artistic directors: Can Sungu and Malve Lippmann
Head of Cinema Akil: Butheina Kazim
Head of Cine CCC: Dominga Sotomayor
Head of Bangkok Screening Room: Nicholas Hudson-Ellis
Head of Cinema ARTA: Monica Sebestyen
Head of ARKIPEL: Yuki Aditya
Head of Beykoz Kundura: Buse Yildirim
Head of Cimatheque: Tamer El Said
International Events
Symposium Sinema Transtopia, Berlin: presumably autumn 2021; Film programme and live broadcast of symposium, Dubai (Cinema Akil); Santiago de Chile (Cine CCC), Bangkok (Bangkok Screening Room), Cluj-Napoca (Cinema ARTA), Jakarta (ARKIPEL), Istanbul (Beykoz Kundura), Cairo (Cimatheque): Autumn 2021
No upcoming events at present
bi'bak e.V.
Malmöer Straße 25
10439 Berlin (external link, opens in a new window)