Balaklava Odyssey

Media art and performance festival

Located on the southwest coast of the Crimea, the 2,500-year-old city of Balaklava had fallen into oblivion until Stalin had ordered a submarine base and nuclear weapon depot built nearby. The media art and performance festival East End has decided to use the town's picturesque bay and gigantic bunker complex for cultural projects. Using video, animation, multi-media and performance techniques, artists from seven western and eastern European countries addressed the history of this place - one of the stops in Homer's Odyssey and the venue of Goethe's Iphigenie auf Tauris. The Federal Cultural Foundation funded the production of five short films and the presentation of the project's results in Berlin, Dortmund and Halle/Saale.

Artistic directors: Sebastian Kaiser, Roman Markholia (UA)

Balaklava (UA): underground submarine base at the Ukrainian State Naval Museum
4 - 7 Aug. 2006
Berlin: Tesla, 21 June 2007
Dortmund: Hartware MedienKunstVerein, 06 July 2007
Halle: Riff, Kulturinsel - Neues Theater, 29 June 2007


Laistrygon e.V.
c/o Sebastian Kaiser

Fehrbelliner Straße 52

10119 Berlin